WUFA Update and Elections

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

1. Terrific news this morning: WUFA and the Administration have reached a tentative agreement! It will need to be ratified by WUFA membership and Board of Governors (BOG) before it takes effect.

2. At our membership meeting on Wednesday, we put out a call for officer positions that need to be filled (i.e., 3 Trustees and 1 Secretary). Please see the forms sent earlier today, print and fill them out, and bring to our next membership meeting on November 5 at 6pm. Elections will be held on November 12.

3. We have 2 steward positions total available from FAHSS, English, and Science; 4 positions total available from Business, Education, Human Kinetics, and Nursing. Check out the Bylaws on page 8 for clarification of duties (http://4580.cupe.ca/resources/). This position does not require an application, so feel free to e-mail us if you’re interested. We will let you know our decision at the November membership meeting.

4. If you are interested in either of the proposed committees (Special Committee on Bylaws; Special Committee on 4580 Union Education), please send us an e-mail of interest.

5. Lastly, thank you to all of those who came out to the membership meeting on Wednesday. I know that some of you only found out that day (again, I believe the list we received from HR on Wednesday is nearly complete, but we will keep asking for more updated lists), so it means even more that you cleared your schedule to attend. Our attendance was almost double the attendance at any of last year’s membership meetings, so it is pleasing to see that so many of you are vested in this union’s business. For next month’s meeting, please remember to bring your student ID so that we can check your identification against the membership list we have. And, we will remember to order MORE pizza.

In solidarity and on behalf of the executive,
