UN Public Service Day

We applaud the courage and commitment of our members, who have been on the front lines throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The past two years have shown how vital our public services are, and the consequences of decades of underfunding and austerity at all levels of government.

CUPE members and public service workers around the world continue to step up and deliver the services we all rely on in uncertain times. We will never forget the many workers who contracted COVID-19 while serving their communities. And we mourn those who have died of COVID-19. We will keep fighting to protect the health and safety of all workers.

To mark UN Public Service Day, CUPE reiterates our support for the global push to remove patents and other barriers to life-saving vaccine and treatment production and distribution. Canada has been a roadblock to these life-saving efforts, and that must end.

Take action today by writing your MP and demanding their support for a people’s vaccine.

The ongoing pandemic demands a collective response that only public services and the public sector can deliver. CUPE supports Public Services International’s call for care work, which is often delivered by women, to be recognized, valued, supported and well-funded. We must not repeat the mistakes that handcuffed health care, public health, long-term care, and other front line care services, and led to so many tragic and preventable deaths during the pandemic.

Read more:

The urgent need to vaccinate is global (Counterpoint)

Manifesto: Rebuilding the social organization of care (PSI)

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