Dear member of CUPE local 4580,
If you are a Teaching Assistant (TA) or a Graduate Assistant (GA) at the University of Windsor, you belong to a union, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) local 4580. As a strong and democratic union, CUPE is committed to improving the quality of life for workers in Canada. As CUPE members, we are committed to ensuring that our workplace is safe, and that we receive fair wages and benefits for the services we provide. Being a part of the union allows us to have a stronger, collective voice in our workplace, and in society as a whole!
As a member of CUPE local 4580, you are entitled to certain rights and benefits under our collective agreement (CA), which is a contract between the employer (University of Windsor) and our union (CUPE local 4580). Our CA contains important information regarding our employment with the university as GAs and TAs. It is imperative for all members to read and understand what is outlined in our CA, which is available on our website :
Our current CA expired on August 31st, 2016 and we are in negotiations with our employer in an effort to secure a new CA. We have had one full day of negotiations and will be continuing to have dialogue with the university administration regarding certain important outstanding issues. The negotiation process is critical to all CUPE local 4580 members because it directly affects our work! It is crucial that we all keep up to date with what is happening at the negotiating table.
What’s Next:
We will be holding a Special Membership Meeting on Wednesday, September 21st, 2016 at 6pm in 204 Toldo Health Education Centre. This meeting will provide an update to members on our negotiations with the employer. If you would like to have a voice about the work you do, then come to the meeting! Pizza and refreshments will be provided to all members who attend!