Why attend?
Learn from experts, like CUPE’s Senior Economist Angella MacEwan, how to debunk conservative talking points on inflation, wages, and the economy.
Build your skills with in-depth training on the elements of a successful campaign.
Leave feeling inspired by success stories, political keynotes, and a strong sense of solidarity.
This unique event will provide a space for labour activists in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba to build the connections and skills to fight back against anti-worker legislation and to elect worker friendly governments.
The Prairie Political Summit will take place at the Calgary Marriott Downtown Hotel from January 25-28, 2023.
Registration link for CUPE participants: Prairie Political Action Summit: The Time is Now | Canadian Union of Public Employees (cupe.ca)
Registration link for non-CUPE participants: https://forms.office.com/r/p5E5WVuP0g