Dear Sisters and Brothers,
After consulting with CUPE National, we have been assured that CUPE National regulations do not find it necessary to run an election if there is one nominee per position, as they are winners by acclamation. So, the executive has made the decision to act in line with recommendations made by CUPE National. There will be no election tomorrow. (There will be pizza at the next membership meeting on March 4, promise!)
The following positions have been acclaimed as there were the same number of nominees as there are positions:
Trustees: Amanda O’Brien; Evan Gammon; Chris O’Keefe
Membership Officer: Janer Akkas
Secretary: Lisa Plant
Treasurer: Joan Craig
Vice President: Robert Powers
President: Ashlyne O’Neil
Congratulations to the 2015-2016 executive! Their terms begin May 1 2015 and last until April 30 2016. You can watch them get sworn in at the next meeting – I bet none of them will turn red with embarrassment as you watch them make a public pledge.
In solidarity and on behalf of the executive,
Mia Sisic