1. We held nominations for the vacant positions in our Local this Wednesday at the membership meeting. All seats were won by acclamation, so there will not be an election on November 12:
Secretary: Lisa Plant
Membership Officer: Joan Craig
Trustees: Behdokht Rekabdar; Michelle Krieger; Akwasi Owusu
Congratulations to all! Thank-you for choosing to dedicate your time to our Local.
Their term starts on November 15, 2014 and ends on April 30, 2015. Ashlyne, Mohammed, and I are looking forward to their start dates!
2. In addition to Robert Powers, we would like to extend a warm welcome to our two new Stewards for FAHSS, Engineering and Science: Janer Akkas and Brayden Labute. You can find their contact information here. If you have any issues with your GA-ships, they are your contact people.