
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our members, new and returning. This is the start of an exciting year, and we want you to remember that CUPE 4580 is here for you! Please bear with us, as this post has a lot of important information.

(1) For those of you who do not know us, CUPE Local 4580 represents all of the Graduate and Teaching Assistants at the University of Windsor. If you are here, you have found our website, and you can locate important documents and information here.

Our executive team for May 2015 – April 2016 is as follows:
President – Ashlyne O’Neil
Vice President – Robert Powers
Secretary – Lisa Plant
Treasurer – Joan Craig
Membership Officer – Janer Akkas

(2) We are having an important Special Membership Meeting on Wednesday September 16th at 4:30pm in the Rose Room (Vanier Hall). This is the same day as the GSS Barbecue (11am-2pm). We suggest you go to the barbecue to get some free lunch, and then meet us in the Rose Room at 4:30 for some free pizza. Two free meals in one day?! Sounds like a deal to me! We will be discussing a few important items that cannot wait until our general membership meeting in October.

(3) While we’re discussing meetings, our general membership meetings are held at 6pm on the first Wednesday of October, November, and February, with our Annual General Membership meeting on the first Wednesday of March. Those dates, for your records, are October 7th, November 4th, February 3rd, and March 2nd.

(4) We are also currently seeking Union Stewards!!!
In total, we are able to have:
Three (3) stewards from FAHSS, Engineering, and Science, and
Four (4) stewards from Business, Education, Human Kinetics, and Nursing
If you are interested in being a steward, please email cupe4580@uwindsor.ca

***If you are planning to take a Phase I Tuition Refund, you will NOT be eligible for a GAship this term. All GAs must be registered full-time in their program of study, and be held in good standing. If you are no longer registered in your program, you forfeit your assistantship position. The date for the full-tuition refund this term is September 28th. So, if you are planning to deposit your thesis before this date, you will not be able to work as a GA. (See http://www.uwindsor.ca/graduate/730/tuition-fee-refund-policy-and-deadlines for more details regarding tuition refunds).

We wish you GOOD LUCK in your first week of classes!

In solidarity and on behalf of the executive,
