Important information on recent email about Grad Walkout

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing this email to inform all students about an email that was sent out earlier today asking Grad students to walk-out. Also, I have received emails from students asking if we were going on strike.

Firstly, I want to clarify that the email sent earlier today was not sent by the GA/TA union (CUPE Local 4580). We did not authorize any party to email on our behalf neither did we provide our membership list to any third party.

CUPE 4580 is NOT going on strike. In regards to support for CUPE 1393, this issue is being picked up at our upcoming general meeting on Oct 2,2013. (Please visit our website for details.) I encourage all members to come out to this meeting.

Our union has NOT issued any walkout notice. Please be advised that all correspondence to our members is strictly through our union email (

Thank You.

Luv Aggarwal