Longshore workers hold family celebration at the Port of Quebec

Longshore workers at the Port of Quebec, who have been locked out for close to a year, will provide frisbees and treats at the family celebration to be held at the Port of Quebec as a reminder of their presence in the community.

“Longshore workers know full well that time spent with the family is precious. We would also like to participate in an event like this with our families, but our collective agreement doesn’t allow it. In 2023, longshore workers can be required to work between 64 and 76 hours a week. They’re not aware of their schedule in advance, nor do they know the date of their next day off. You can’t live a healthy and balanced life under such conditions,” explained CUPE union representative Nina Laflamme.

The union points out that, since the 19th century, workers have been demanding a 40-hour work week and that, according to the Canada Labour Code, a normal week consists of eight hours a day and forty hours a week.

Anti-scab legislation

Next September 15 will mark the anniversary of the longest ever lockout at the Port of Quebec. CUPE believes that everything would have been settled a long time ago had there been anti-scab provisions in the Canada Labour Code. The employer is using replacement workers, which is illegal for companies under federal jurisdiction.

“Replacement workers account for a horrendous number of occupational accidents. People next to the port run a serious risk. Are we waiting for a disaster to occur in order to stop using unqualified workers?” 

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