Now is the time for the feds to stand by Canada's workers

CUPE says today’s federal economic update doesn’t go far enough to make life more affordable amid 40-year-high inflation. CUPE is calling on the federal government to take their responsibility to help workers and their families seriously, noting that doing too little risks pushing Canada into a more serious recession.

“The Liberals need to take bold action to help workers and their families against the crushing impact of inflation,” said CUPE’s National President Mark Hancock.

“Corporations made out like bandits during the pandemic and are profiting from record inflation. We  simply don’t accept that Canadian workers should have to shoulder the weight of yet another economic crisis.”

After-tax corporate profits in Canada are currently at their highest levels since the 1960s. CUPE says now is the time to follow the lead of the UK and some European countries, and implement a windfall profits tax to help soften the blow on workers and families who are already struggling.

“Workers have been through so much the past two and a half years, and we deserve so much better than half measures from the federal government when times are tough,” said CUPE’s National Secretary-Treasurer Candace Rennick, who added now is the time for us to invest in our care economy, in particular to reverse critical staffing shortages.

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